Author: Yash Bansod
This is the main program.
Clear the environment and the command line
close all;
Add the directory containing relevant functions to the path variables
Define the input parameters and simulate
% Set the length of the links of the manipulator robot.
L1 = 5;
L2 = 5;
L3 = 5;
% Set the initial orientation of the robot.
theta1 = 10;
theta2 = 0;
theta3 = 15;
% Define the radius of the circle the end effector should follow
radius = 10;
r_sq = radius ^ 2;
hold on;
% Code for drawing a circle
for i = -radius: radius/10: radius
expX = i;
expY = sqrt(r_sq - expX^2);
images.roi.Circle(gca,'Center',[0 0],'Radius',radius, 'Facealpha', 0.05);
% You can modify the Kp value defined in PLANAR_INV_KIN_3DOF to modify
% the inverse jacobian controller behavior.
[expPoint, Joint, Theta] = PLANAR_INV_KIN_3DOF(L1, L2, L3, expX, ...
expY, theta1, theta2, theta3);
scatter(Joint(end,1), Joint(end,2));
theta1 = Theta(1, 1);
theta2 = Theta(2, 1);
theta3 = Theta(3, 1);
for i = radius: -radius/10: -radius
expX = i;
expY = -sqrt(r_sq - expX^2);
images.roi.Circle(gca,'Center',[0 0],'Radius',radius, 'Facealpha', 0.05);
% You can modify the Kp value defined in PLANAR_INV_KIN_3DOF to modify
% the inverse jacobian controller behavior.
[expPoint, Joint, Theta] = PLANAR_INV_KIN_3DOF(L1, L2, L3, expX, ...
expY, theta1, theta2, theta3);
theta1 = Theta(1, 1);
theta2 = Theta(2, 1);
theta3 = Theta(3, 1);