About me

University of Maryland
College Park, MD, US
Master of Science in Systems Engineering, Robotics Specialization
August 2019 - May 2021
GPA – 4.0/4.0
Manipal Institute of Technology
Manipal, KA, India
Bachelor of Technology in Mechatronics Engineering, Robotics Specialization
July 2014 - July 2018
Work Experience
Naval Research Lab Research Group, University of Maryland
College Park, MD, US
Graduate Research Assistant (Artificial Intelligence)
Jan 2021 – Present
- Researched an iterative graph traversal based re-entrant Hierarchical Task Network Planner. (AI planning, python)
- Invented an integrated planning and acting algorithm that provides ~20% improvement in planning and ~30% improvement in acting performance. (Integrated AI planning and acting, graph theory)
Tubaldi Lab – University of Maryland
College Park, MD, US
Graduate Research Assistant (Machine Learning)
April 2020 – Jan 2021
- Enhanced the speed of finite element analysis dataset generation by ~800% using concepts of distributed computing and process parallelism. (Shell scripting, multi-processing, python).
- Established orders of magnitude speedup in the inverse structural design of meta-materials by architecting an optimization algorithm using generative neural networks. (Deep learning, python, TensorFlow)
- Proved efficacy of neural networks in prediction of finite element calculations by replicating state of the art deep learning algorithms for forward prediction of structural properties. (Deep learning, python, tensorflow)
- Improved the learning time of generative inverse design networks by ~300% using active learning strategy.
Continental Automotive
Bengaluru, KA, India
Machine Learning Software Engineer
Aug 2018 – July 2019
Machine Learning Intern
Jan 2018 – June 2018
Computer Vision Intern
May 2017 – July 2017
- Improved the average training speed of convolutional neural networks in Continental's tensorflow based deep learning framework by ~100% by:
- Implementing data pipelines enabling optimized ingestion and pre-processing of huge datasets.
- Implementing data pipelines enabling optimized ingestion and pre-processing of huge datasets.
- Demonstrated data-oriented behavior, path, and motion planning by conceptualizing a recurrent neural network-based planner architecture. (Deep learning, planning, python, TensorFlow).
- Established a baseline to compare the neural network planner against conventional path planning algorithms like A*, ARA*, D*lite, and RRT. (Graph theory, python, C++)
- Collaborated in developing a long short-term memory (LSTM) based Kalman filter resulting in ~15% improvement in tracking of vehicles. (Deep learning, Bayesian filtering, python, TensorFlow)
- Collaborated in developing a convolutional neural network-based visual odometry and ego-localization system resulting in ~10% improvement in localization. (Deep learning, localization, python, TensorFlow)
- Prototyped an ARM SoC-based surround view system enabling Continental to market a solution 600% cheaper than existing solutions. (Multi-view computer vision, OpenCV, Eigen, C++, embedded system, multi-threading)
- Enabled extraction of relevant image data from huge datasets by automating image labelling using single shot detector and faster-RCNN. (Deep learning, computer vision, python, tensorflow)
Project MANAS – Manipal Institute of Technology
Manipal, KA, India
Mentor / 1-year | Automation Head / 1-year | Member / 6-months
Sep 2015 – Feb 2018
- Led a sub-division of 7 undergraduate researchers in the development of:
- Extended Kalman Filter based Lidar and Radar sensor-fusion system.(Robotics, sensor fusion, ROS, C++)
- An embedded distributed control and sensor interfacing system. (Robotics, ROS, embedded C, CAN)
- State lattice based planner for Ackermann steered vehicle. (Robotics, motion planning, ROS, C++)
For our prototype autonomous car propelling Project MANAS to the top 13 finalists nationwide (amongst ~260 participants) in Mahindra Rise Prize Driverless Car Challenge.
- Secured the first position at Northrop Grumman audio signal processing and classification challenge 2019.
- INCOSE Associate Systems Engineering Professional (One of 1074 ASEPs worldwide).
- Student Ambassador at Maryland Robotics Centre, College Park, MD, USA.