Personal portfolio
A highly motivated, efficient and organized individual with an inquisitive mind
and a passion for learning new skills.
My experience with Robotics, Machine Learning and Embedded Systems can be efficiently
used in the development of Autonomous / Assisted Driving Vehicles / Robots.

Humans were always meant to be a race of explorers and not just survivors. I believe that Robots can elevate us to new levels of exploration. The synchronism of various engineering domains has given impetus to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics Revolution which has proven to be the cradle for innovation and creativity. I envisage it to change virtually every aspect of human life. Its potential to change the dynamics of our lives and make us a much more advanced species is what highly motivates me to get to the core of this field.
People, time and again, talk about the future and how they want things to turn out. Nonetheless, I believe that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. My desire to create a future where Robots can disencumber humans of the quotidian tasks and empower us to go beyond our limitations has been my main source of motivation to pursue a career as a Roboticist.
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